Meshbeyn / Projects

Namespace FastBWT

public abstract class ASorter

This class is an abstract BWT Sorter. Static members of this class are used to fill the sorted bytes basing on the sorted vector.


public List<StatisticStep> Statistics { get; private set; }

Statistics of the last sorting. This collection will be overwritten in Sort methods.


public abstract void GenerateVector(byte[] SourceBlock, ICollection Index, long DataSize = 0)

Generate the sorting vector for source bytes.

public abstract long Sort(byte[] SourceBlock, byte[] TargetBlock, long DataSize = 0)

Sort SourceBlock to TargetBlock. This method internally generates the sorting vector and fills the TargetBlock.

Static Methods

public static long FillSortedBlock(byte[] SourceBlock, byte[] TargetBlock, int[] Index, long DataSize = 0)

Fill the target block with sorted bytes based on sorted vector of type uint[].

public static long FillSortedBlock(byte[] SourceBlock, byte[] TargetBlock, uint[] Index, long DataSize = 0)

Fill the target block with sorted bytes based on sorted vector of type uint[].

public static long FillSortedBlock(byte[] SourceBlock, byte[] TargetBlock, long[] Index, long DataSize = 0)

Fill the target block with sorted bytes based on sorted vector of type uint[].

See also

ASorter.Sort method

ASorter.GenerateVector method

ASorter.FillSortedBlock static method


BWT_Small_Sorter class

BWT_Medium_Sorter class

ADesorter class

StatisticStep class

Project FastBWT